Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Freaked out and hopeful

This is weird. I've finally decided to keep a journal, a blog, but it may be hard to decide what to write, because it's so wide-open. No agenda. I've thought for a long time that I'd write a political / social blog - okay, socio-political - because I've become so politically aware in the last so-many years. But, at the end of the day, I have too much to say about being alive that won't fit into a strictly political blog.

To borrow from Todd Rundgren, "Sometimes I can't help seeing all the way through." That sure applies to my political views. I always want to look beyond politics, into the social aspects, and beyond that into the personal parts - why do I feel this way or that way? - and, of course, beyond that too.

So let this blog be not bogged down by details or negativity or endless mind mining. Let it be as light as zen (yeah, like that's gonna happen!). Let it blow sideways through life. And produce some good ideas that people can latch onto. Amen. Wow.

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