Thursday, September 18, 2008

Addendum to Cockburn The Penetrator...

By the way, I found a series of articles disputing global warming, written by Alexander Cockburn, and a series of responses by George Monbiot. The articles have the same sarcastic tone as the above interview. The beginning of Monbiot’s first response includes this admonition:
When a non-scientist attempts to dispute the findings of an entire body of science, a good deal of humility and a great deal of research is required. Otherwise he puts himself in the position of the 9/11 truthers. Though they might know nothing about physics, structural engineering, ballistics or explosives, these people still feel qualified to assert that the experts in these fields are wrong, and that the Twin Towers were in fact brought down by controlled explosions.
Links to the articles and reponses can be found here. Monbiot’s final response to Cockburn’s articles can be found
Here. (The link from the page I posted above is dead.)

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